Advanced Label Generation PLATFORM

Unlock the Unpredictable World

Unlocking genuine collaboration within a robot team hinges on the generation of numerous “memory labels” that equip your robots to expertly maneuver through unstructured and unpredictable settings.


Relentless Refinement

Selects uncertain and erroneous examples iteratively, ensuring your models learn from the most challenging scenarios.

Swift Automation

GENIE performs automatic labeling and synthesis of examples, streamlining the process and boosting efficiency.

Precision Enhancement

By targeting rare and complex data slices and classes, GENIE elevates accuracy to new heights.

See Press Release >>>

Five To Ten Times Faster

What sets GENIE apart is its ability to label datasets 5 to 10 times faster than traditional methods, while also providing flexibility for continuous labeling and real-time model improvement. In short: it’s your ticket to unleashing the full potential of your robot team in dynamic environments.

Unlimited Use Cases

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